Month: April 2023

  • Book Review: Adorning the Dark

    Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson celebrates the beauty of storytelling through art and the calling of Christians to produce excellent work for the Kingdom.  Peterson weaves in bits of memoir with his thoughts on what it means to be a musician, the writing process, and community’s role in the pursuit of creativity.  But more…

  • Trash and Treasure

    I’m not a great housekeeper.  This whole staying home thing is still new to me, even though I’ve been at it for a couple years.  And although I appreciate learning how to care for my home and family, there are many times I wish I already had all the tricks of the trade.  I wish…

  • Wired for Worship

    Whenever I hear something multiple times, I know it’s God trying to get my attention.  And even though I had a whole other post prepared for today, this is the one that keeps rearing its head. I’ve been reflecting on instilling a heart of worship into my children.  Then the Sunday sermon was all about…

  • Lent 2023, Week Seven

    This week has pretty much been a blur, which is why this post is getting up a day later than I wanted.  Such is the ministry life at this time of year, but so much the better, for the Resurrection is the centerpiece of our faith! As this season of Lent comes to a close,…

  • Lent 2023, Week Six

    It’s a week of small steps and things coming together.  Because sometimes it’s not the leaps we celebrate but the tiptoeing.  There’s an old saying about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts–the theme of this past week.  An individual brushstroke can’t tell a painting’s whole image, just as our lives are…