Category: Christian Living

  • Lessons Learned at the Sewing Machine

    I recently took up sewing as a hobby, and it’s been quite the learning curve.  I have a newfound appreciation for anything made of fabric because I realize just how difficult it is for a human being to produce such beautiful work.  Of course, like anything, it takes practice to truly improve. The main reason…

  • Nehemiah 1: A Foundation of Faith

    As I was planning my wedding, I received all sorts of advice on things, from the best way to arrange centerpieces to why I should have assigned seating to how the reception should be run.  The best wisdom I got, however, wasn’t even about the “big day”: Don’t stress about the wedding; it’s only one day. …

  • Running the Race

    I hate running.  Always have, and probably always will.  I’ve never understood people who get pleasure from forcing their body into a state of flight that once meant escaping imminent danger, like a tiger chasing you or an enemy tribe pursuing your footsteps.  However, in spite of my deep and abiding hatred for the activity,…