Category: Faith

  • Receiving the Greatest Gift

    I have many fond Christmas memories, but one year in particular stands out to me. I was a sophomore in college and living in the international housing on campus, though my roommate was also from Arizona. We had a mutual friend, but we didn’t really know each other beyond that when the year began. But…

  • Finding the Truest North

    The first time I used a compass, I picked it up and watched the needle spin away from the “N” and thought it was broken. Little did I realize that I needed some instruction before I understood how to use it. But even knowing how to use a compass won’t help me find my way…

  • Leveled Up Priorities

    I’m pretty bad at video games, even though there are a handful I like to play. Among my chosen few are Minecraft, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Pokemon, and all the Lego games (especially Lego Star Wars). All of them have some level of exploration, which is why these are among my favorites.…

  • A Time Such As This

    When doing a jigsaw puzzle, there’s nothing more disappointing than getting to the end and finding there’s a piece missing.  After all the hours put in to make the picture complete, I sometimes find myself asking “was all that worth the effort?”  But then I have to remind myself that it’s not always the end…

  • Monsoon Season in Tucson

    The significance of rain was never more real to me than when I first experienced a desert monsoon.  It was the first 4th of July since I’d moved to Tucson, and we had some friends over to watch the fireworks, barbeque, play games, the usual activities.  But once night fell, the air grew humid, and…

  • Provision in the Storms of Doubt

    Lessons from the Lord rarely come in convenient packages.  I’m reminded of this every time my own plans are usurped by His. The past month has been full of traveling and being away from home, and although I do like road trips, I’m very thankful to finally be back in Tucson.  But, as is often…

  • Armed with Joy

    A few months ago, I wrote about one of the recurring symbols in my life at the time: dawn.  In that post, I talked about how sometimes, we find ourselves in the Valley of Shadow wondering if there is any hope for the morning.  While I praise God that the times of darkness in my life…

  • When God Takes You at Your Word

    The valley below is scattered with thousands of tents, small campfires dotting the night.  Within each tent sleeps a fierce warrior, ruthless fighters born and bred for war.  The army’s target: the homeland your people have waited for generations to inhabit.  As you look around at your own men, the mere 300 soldiers seems like…

  • Gaining New Perspective

    Too much of a good thing, or even the right amount at the wrong time, can leave us feeling sickened and empty.  I’m reminded of my daughter’s recent birthday, where she got to enjoy cake for the first time.  For the initial bites, she was clearly enjoying herself.  But by the time she got about…