Category: Identity

  • Letting Go of Old Laundry

    Letting Go of Old Laundry

    About twice a year, I get the itch—the Big Closet Purge.  I set out full of good intentions, planning to make more space in the drawers and keep it that way, at least until a sale at my favorite store rolls around.  But for some reason, I always find myself trapped in the same hole. …

  • A Time Such As This

    When doing a jigsaw puzzle, there’s nothing more disappointing than getting to the end and finding there’s a piece missing.  After all the hours put in to make the picture complete, I sometimes find myself asking “was all that worth the effort?”  But then I have to remind myself that it’s not always the end…

  • Booger Hugs and Soggy Cheerios

    There’s one thing nobody told me about becoming a mom: that certain things would bother me a whole lot less than they used to.  Talk to any new parent and it wouldn’t be unusual to hear them discussing the color and consistency of poop, or any other number of topics not considered polite dinner conversation. …