Category: Missions

  • Wired for Worship

    Whenever I hear something multiple times, I know it’s God trying to get my attention.  And even though I had a whole other post prepared for today, this is the one that keeps rearing its head. I’ve been reflecting on instilling a heart of worship into my children.  Then the Sunday sermon was all about…

  • A Time Such As This

    When doing a jigsaw puzzle, there’s nothing more disappointing than getting to the end and finding there’s a piece missing.  After all the hours put in to make the picture complete, I sometimes find myself asking “was all that worth the effort?”  But then I have to remind myself that it’s not always the end…

  • Gathering Strays

    One afternoon recently I was relaxing during the baby’s nap when I looked up to see my cat staring in at me from the other side of the sliding glass door.  Since I was comfortable, I decided she would be fine waiting a few more minutes to come in since she had just been let out anyway. …