Category: Poetry

  • Lent 2023, Week Six

    It’s a week of small steps and things coming together.  Because sometimes it’s not the leaps we celebrate but the tiptoeing.  There’s an old saying about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts–the theme of this past week.  An individual brushstroke can’t tell a painting’s whole image, just as our lives are…

  • Lent 2023, Week Five

    My soul has been thirsty for encouragement this week.  Like a dry riverbed, I long for uplifting rains to fall, bringing life to the dusty soil.  I imagine it’s how the Israelites felt during their years of wandering.  How often did they cry out to Yahweh in distress?  And as always, the Lord provided in…

  • Lent 2023, Week Four

    Sometimes we need reminders of our own humanity.  It can be as simple as a breathtaking sunrise or a sleepless night from a crying baby.  Sometimes those reminders arrive at inconvenient times and leave us winded from beauty or from heartache.  And it’s in those moments I’m reminded just how much I rely upon my…

  • Lent 2023, Week Three

    Nostalgia has a way of finding us at odd times.  For some reason I’ve been gripped with thoughts and memories this week about past eras of my life and the people that populate those moments.  Maybe it’s God’s way of reminding me how faithful He’s been through every step of my journey.  Because though I…

  • Lent 2023, Week Two

    It’s been one of those weeks where I look back and say, “Yeah, that happened.”  Nothing exceptionally good or bad, just a whole lot of striving and not much to show for it.  With sickness running through the house and some exceptionally cranky children, I feel as if I just did battle all week and…

  • Lent 2023, Week One

    I didn’t grow up in a traditional church–in fact, I’ve probably “grown up” in more denominations than I can fit on both hands.  Perks of being part of a ministry family!  I consider it a blessing, because I was exposed to the many different ways people practice Christianity, giving me a better sense of unity…

  • Advent 2022, Week 4: Love

    I pray that this season of Advent has been one of reflection and drawing closer to the Lord.  Jesus truly is the light in the darkness, the Word who made his dwelling among us.  Without him, the shadows of the world are too much for us to overcome on our own.  Praise be to God…

  • Advent 2022, Week 3: Joy

    I’m getting this post done a day later than I planned because, as usual, the holidays are catching up to me.  I suddenly find myself with hundreds of things to do and less than a week before Christmas to do them all.  Throw in a few parties and two kids ready to derail my carefully…

  • Advent 2022, Week 2: Peace

    I won’t pretend like it’s been an easy week.  In fact, the more I tried to reflect on peace each day, the further I felt from it.  Isn’t that how it goes sometimes?  Thankfully, even amid the chaos I know that there can be something more lasting.  After all, peace isn’t the absence of conflict,…

  • Advent 2022, Week 1: Hope

    Twice a year I dive into a time of writing to connect with my Savior in the most intimate way I know how: poetry.  During the seasons of Advent and Lent I set aside time to write each day, and I always find myself drawing closer to God by the end.  In the many years…