Category: Writing Craft

  • Ripping Out the Seams

    I don’t do many posts about writing craft, but since the line edits just finished up on my novel, I thought it might be fitting to touch on it. Many people probably don’t realize how much rewriting goes into a book. Before that book hits the shelves, it undergoes dozens of readings and changes from…

  • Stitches and Stories

    Sewing and writing are the two main things that have occupied my free time in the last few months and as with all things, I started to find similarities between the two as I sat ensconced in one project or another.  And now that the holidays are over and my projects have reached their final…

  • Life Update

    I’ve been a bit absent the past couple of months, but I haven’t been inactive.  Far from it!  Aside from my many personal obligations, November is National Novel Writing Month, which means that all across the globe, writers take on the monumental task of producing 50,000 words in 30 days.  I’ve attempted it in the…