NaNoWriMo 2023: Days 26-30

With November coming to a close, I hold over 25% of the first draft of Holly’s Portent. While I didn’t meet my 50k word count goal, I managed to touch my writing every day this month, which is far more valuable in my eyes. It’s too soon yet to say anything other than I’m looking forward to spending more time with this story.

Instead giving a line or two as I have the past weeks, I wanted to share a song from the book in its raw form. The words may change as I continue writing, but the theme still holds true apart from the book itself.

Thank you to all those who have followed me so far on this journey. It’s my hope that you find some kind of light as you continue on with me.

Holly's Portent Drafting 34%

End of week word count goal: 50,000

Final word count: 41,345

Quotable line:

The rose with its thorn
Blooms in morning light
In beauty and trial
Made whole

The lily with its crown
Turns to face the dark
With inner light
To carry

The path to freedom
Calls the wanderer home
With swords and shackles gone
For plowshares

Like wildflowers fade,
So beauty and riches die
Like monsoons fall,
So trials come to all
Like dawn, 
So ends the night