Month: March 2024

  • Found Objects: Lent 2024, Week 6

    The Lord’s provision has been at the forefront of my mind this week. As I reflect on the year so far, I’m amazed at all the ways my family has been given everything we need at just the right time. Is trusting God easy? Not always. But He reminds me time again that I have…

  • Found Objects: Lent 2024, Week 5

    Nothing encapsulates my week more than the piles of clean laundry sitting around my room in baskets, waiting to be folded and put away. Coming back from a trip and re-entering routine takes longer with each additional child, a fact I’m intensely aware of these past days. Like children, sometimes we find ourselves floundering when…

  • Found Objects: Lent 2024, Week 4

    As I’m returning from a trip this week, I’m reminded of the first year I wrote Lent poetry—2014, when my high school choir toured Ireland, England, and Wales. As I shared in the first week, that year holds a special place in my memory because I see the misty Irish hills and moss covered giants…

  • Found Objects: Lent 2024, Week 3

    Sometimes I feel the weight of the spiritual battles being waged around me, as if the forces of darkness intensify the more I strive to bring light to the world. Like a desert monsoon, my emotions have been in constant flux this week. But throughout all the ups and downs, the theme of rugged hope…