Found Objects: Lent 2024, Week 6

The Lord’s provision has been at the forefront of my mind this week. As I reflect on the year so far, I’m amazed at all the ways my family has been given everything we need at just the right time. Is trusting God easy? Not always. But He reminds me time again that I have no reason to fear the storm or famine, for He is with me by day and night.

To read other posts in this series, click below.

Letter | Day 29
Sometimes love is told best
Not in notes, but actions
Because words say many things
But what we do makes the impact
We can talk of love,
Of keeping rules and obligations,
Of sacrifices and religion,
But that’s all empty
If in saying the words
We miss out on the heart

Olive Branch | Day 30
When peace like a river
Is hard to come by
I hang onto the promises
You give
You will not forsake
Those who seek You
You shelter them beneath
Your wings
You provide in the days
Of famine and flood
And restore
All that was lost

Daily Bread | Day 31
You are God of the wilderness
Of famine and drought
You provide when there’s plenty
And when we go without
Your grace is like food
From Heaven above
Never diminished
Always enough
Thank you for the blessings
Given each day
The light to our darkness
Leading the way

Sunshine | Day 32
You are the source of light and life
Encouraging new things to grow
Ever-present even when
The clouds of life may hide Your glory
But even though we cannot see
Your touch still remains
Cutting through shadow and shade
Each dawn, like break of day

Honeysuckle | Day 33
Your voice is sweet as the evening calls
Of birds settling into nests
Like the sound of insects buzzing overhead
In a chorus of busy abandon
While the flowers close in the fading light
And the perfumed scent of spring arrives
I hear Your call,
The pull on my heart
To remember all You’ve done
And all You’re asking me to do

GPS | Day 34
When each step forward
Is just one more direction
But not the whole map
It can be easy to feel the tug
Of impatience
That I know the destination
But not the way to get there
And the one I choose to follow
Only reveals the journey
Piece by piece

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