Category: Motherhood

  • Choosing the Narrow Road

    Being an introverted mom is a challenge. There’s always someone needing me, pulling me away, vying for my attention. I can get sucked into the cycle of unproductivity because I keep getting disrupted when I try to focus on something. And as I mentioned in a previous post, it’s already hard enough to focus on…

  • Turning Points: Mother’s Day 2023

    Mother’s Day is different for me, now that I’m a mom.  It’s not so much that I’m included in the festivities, although that’s special too.  It’s different because I see my own mom in a new light.  All the years of sacrifice, the hardship, the open arms and encouraging words–parts of my childhood that I…

  • Holistic Housekeeping

    My mom recently invested in chickens.  It sounds like no big deal, until you realize just how much work goes into their startup and upkeep.  From planning and building the enclosure (in the middle of an Arizona summer) to researching the best kind of feed for the budget to the physical labor of cleaning the…

  • Trash and Treasure

    I’m not a great housekeeper.  This whole staying home thing is still new to me, even though I’ve been at it for a couple years.  And although I appreciate learning how to care for my home and family, there are many times I wish I already had all the tricks of the trade.  I wish…

  • Expectant, But Not Asleep

    It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of tasks and appointments.  Especially around the holidays, it often feels like life becomes a blur of getting things done and preparing for one big event that’s over in a matter of hours. But sometimes, all of that comes to a halt. There are times…

  • The Art of Motherhood

    It’s been one year since I set out on this blogging journey, and I’m so thankful the Lord prompted me to embark at that time.  While it’s my hope that my words have impacted others, the biggest boon in my personal life has been the discipline required to plan and publish my thoughts.  Sticking with…

  • Booger Hugs and Soggy Cheerios

    There’s one thing nobody told me about becoming a mom: that certain things would bother me a whole lot less than they used to.  Talk to any new parent and it wouldn’t be unusual to hear them discussing the color and consistency of poop, or any other number of topics not considered polite dinner conversation. …